
House Flippers, Master's Degree, New Parents?!

Hello hello again! 

Wow, has it been a long time since we've written on here. I must admit, it took me over an hour to figure out how to find this blog and log back in again :) But here I am and here you are! 

When we last signed off over three years ago, we were just transitioning back to land life. I (Meagan) recently lost my father, Travis and I got married and bought a house, and decided to continue our travels via van for a little while. Well, I'm here to happily say after 3.5 years, we are back sailing in Guatemala! I wanted to update you on what we've been up to the past several years and how we prepped to move back to the sailing life. 

First, we are happy to announce that we have become parents!... To a cat. While we were in Utah we began fostering animals with The Humane Society as well as Best Friends Animal Society. Since we began, we have fostered 70 kittens, cats, puppies, and dogs. One kitten Travis really bonded with and when it came time to let her get adopted by her forever family, Travis was heartbroken. He had to go out of town for work while I dropped her off for adoption... But when he arrived home, I surprised him and adopted her. We love her so much and she is now in Guatemala with us and will soon be a sailing cat :)



Secondly, I got into grad school! I was very blessed to have matched with the University of Utah's Genetic Counseling Program, and I graduated in May 2022. I passed my boards in August and I am now a Board Certified Genetic Counselor! 

During our time home, we remodeled our entire house completely on our own. We updated every inch of the house and didn't complete it until the day we moved out. We were sad we didn't get to enjoy the updates, but hey, better late than never! We still have our house and are currently renting it out for short term rentals. Here are some pictures of the hard work we've done on it!

Our kitchen before and after:

Our living room/staircase before and after:

Our upstairs bathroom before and after:

Downstairs bathroom before/after:


Downstairs before/after:

And our deck before/after:

Travis worked really hard at his job so we could pay off my school, pay off my knee surgery (oh yeah, I tore my ACL for the 5th time and had a high tibial osteotomy surgery in February), buy our boat, and move us to the Caribbean for a couple of years! 

But don't worry, we also made time for fun and have traveled around by van and planes. We were able to reconnect with some of our old friends, and make new ones. We are ecstatic to be back on the water but are always sad to leave friends and family. But here we are, we bought a boat in Guatemala and are currently working on it (more on that to come in a later blog post). For now, thanks for coming back to see us and we'd love it if you'd continue to follow along!