Hey friends and fam! Sorry for the long pause in communication, things have been going a million miles an hour on our end. Let me catch you up to speed:
- For those of you who don’t know, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder and lymph node cancer back in September. He started chemo with positive results at first, and then things started going downhill so they switched to immunotherapy. After that, they found a tumor in his neck which led to radiation. Due to all of this chaos, I decided to fly home to Utah for a while to be with him and the rest of my family.
- While I was home, Travis stayed in Puerto Rico for three weeks by himself and did A LOT of boat work. He repainted the deck, the teak, installed deck lights, put in a new lighting system inside the boat, re-plummed the sink, re-wired the charging system, and much more!
- After three weeks, he flew to Oregon to spend time with his family for a week, and then drove to Utah for a week to see my family.
- Things started looking up for my dad (thankfully) so we came back to the boat together on March 9th.
- When we first launched, we thought we would cross Canal this season and head to the South Pacific. Before I headed home, we scratched that idea and planned on crossing the Atlantic. Now, I am not too keen on doing that and I am also worried about my dad, so Travis has decided to crew on a friend’s boat and head across the Atlantic in early June.
- Currently, we are in the Dominican Republic, and plan to sail from here to Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, and then to Florida where Travis will get off and cross the Atlantic and I will fly back to Utah to spend more time with my dad.
In case anyone is curious for more details about my dad, click this link:
Anyways, hope you guys are all doing well in your world and please reach out to us if you have any comments or questions!
We love you all and thanks for all of your support!